I need your help making contacts with people who work in emergency response. If that’s all you need to know, would you be willing to connect me with your friends, relatives, and colleagues that work in emergency response? If so, you can connect us by email (ishak@utexas[dot]edu) and send your contact a link to this page. Thank you!
I need your help.
As you may know, I am currently working on my dissertation in Communication Studies at UT Austin. I am conducting short interviews with people who have worked in emergency response teams, such as fire crews, military units, emergency medical departments, first response units, S.W.A.T. teams, and bomb squads. I have collected a sizable amount of interviews and hours of observations in the field, and many of them have been wonderfully insightful, but I need more. Apparently, a dissertation is supposed to be rigorous. Who knew?
This is where I need your assistance. I’m asking you to help connect me to your friend, relative, or colleague who works (or has worked):
- As a firefighter/wildfire crew member
A map of wildfires in Texas from September 2011. Interviews with members of wildfire crews have been especially useful for this project. - As a first responder
- In the military
- As an emergency department medical professional
- As part of a bomb squad or S.W.A.T. team (or any other tactical team–search and rescue, exploration, etcetera)
Can you introduce me by email? If so, send your friend, relative, or colleague a link to this page, and copy me on the email (ishak@utexas[dot]edu). Maybe you could assure them I am not a crazy person, and hopefully things will go well from there. You could even copy and paste this email:
Contact info for Andrew Ishak:

Ideally, I would like to finish my interviews this month. If you have a contact, connecting us will only take 30 seconds of your time, I promise. You can do it right now. (I’ll wait! Thank you!)
At the interviewee’s request, I can promise anyone that their stories and names will remain confidential and anonymous (on top of the fact that no one reads academic articles). If it lends any additional comfort, below are links to a consent form that I use as well as an approved review from UT Austin’s institutional research board.
Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it.
-Andrew Ishak