Fairweather or Efficient? – Week 10 Ratings

I texted a friend to come watch the Texas game on Saturday.  His response:

He might as well have said: “Texas is bad at football this season.  Therefore I am no longer interested in them.”  While some might call him a fairweather fan, I think this is actually rather efficient.

Sometimes in sports we talk about the bandwagon, referring to the burgeoning group that starts following a team when they are in a great position–basically almost everyone I know from the Bay Area after the Giants took a few from the Phillies in the National League Championship Series.  Congrats to Giants fans, by the way, especially those who watched a game before October.

I am intrigued by what we make of the reverse.  My friend has effectively decided that once Texas is out of contention for anything particularly interesting to him (e.g., National Championship, BCS bowl), he will stop paying attention.

I use the term “fairweather” to label fans who wait until a team is good to start following them.  Do what you want with your sporting life, but fairweather fans can be annoying to people who have supported a team all year.  Of course, I could say “the more, the merrier” and get on with it, so let’s just move on.

If you follow a team at the beginning of each season and ratchet down your fandom when they are out of it, you are not a fairweather fan. You started at 0-0.  You did not wait until the team was at the top of the standings.  I say: good for you.  You are being efficient, especially if you have other sports to follow.

I will still watch every Texas game, but that’s because I still enjoy watching the games whether or not they are in contention.  If you do not enjoy the games, you have no obligation to watch.  Do not forget that spectator sports are entertainment.  If you are not entertained, then what is the point?

I understand if you read this and think: “What a terrible mindset for a sports fan.  All the losing teams would barely have any fans if everyone thought the way you did!”

Welcome to America.  I will come to the games, but many others will not.  You do not get credit for existing.

I am talking to you, Oakland A’s, SF 49ers, Golden State Warriors, and UC Davis football.  Win.*

*Texas Football, I’m assuming this is a one-year thing.  Don’t get added to my list.